Here is the CMT Uptime check phrase


Jennifer Barber

Dr. Barber’s research is conducted at the intersection of family sociology, demography, and social psychology, with a focus on teen pregnancy. She recently completed an NICHD-funded intensive longitudinal project, the Relationship Dynamics and Social Life study, that collected weekly data on 1,000 18- and 19-year-old women for 2.5 years, along with semi-structured interview data, observational

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Barbara Anderson

Dr. Anderson studies the relationship between social change and demographic change. Her research focuses on the former Soviet Union, China and South Africa. Her teaching centers on the relationship between social and demographic change and on technical demography.

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George Alter

Dr. Alter’s research interests lie in the history of the family, demography, and economic history. Recent work explores demographic responses to economic hardship in Europe and East Asia, and the effects of childhood experiences on health in old age.

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