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Penn State University – Anthropology M.A./Ph.D.

The application deadline for Penn State University’s graduate programs that offer training in demography are as follows: December 1 – Anthropology December 1 – Human Development and Family Studies December 15 – Rural Sociology January 3 – Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education January 10 – Sociology January 15 – Health Policy and Administration January 15 – Economics Information, including how to apply, can be found

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Brown University Economics Ph.D.

The Brown Department of Economics faculty members engage in research ranging from pure theory to applied subjects. Distinguished in their specialties, they are often sought out for their expertise. Economics remains one of the most popular undergraduate majors at the university, and the department’s doctoral program attracts scholars from around the world. The Ph.D. program

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Brown University Sociology Ph.D.

The Department of Sociology at Brown University offers outstanding doctoral training. Our graduate student community is small, enabling students to have fulfilling mentoring relationships with faculty and to collaborate meaningfully on research and teaching. As a result, Brown graduates have an outstanding record of research, publications, and professional accomplishment. All admitted students are offered full

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CUNY Doctorate of Public Health with a Certificate in Demography

The CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy (CUNY SPH) offers master’s and doctoral degree programs that prepare students to meet the public health challenges of the 21st century. The school emphasizes interdisciplinary approaches to solving complex health problems by analyzing their causes at multiple levels of organization (such as individual, family, community,

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CUNY Political Science Ph.D. with a Certificate in Demography

The Political Science program at the Graduate Center, CUNY consists of a community of scholars dedicated to the tasks of acquiring, expanding, and transmitting reliable knowledge about political phenomena. Its essential function is to educate professional political scientists, capable of independent research and qualified for careers in academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the

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CUNY Sociology Ph.D. with a Certificate in Demography

The Ph.D. Program in Sociology develops sociologists of broad theoretical background who are trained in a mixture of research methods, from survey research to ethnographic, historical and comparative approaches. Students pursue studies in many areas of sociology, but given its location, the program is strong in urban sociology, studies of race, ethnicity, and immigration, research on urban

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Penn State University Combined M.A., Ph.D. in Sociology and Demography

Ranked among the top sociology programs in the nation, the Penn State Graduate Program in Sociology offers students the flexibility to study a wide range of topics, reflecting both the size and intellectual breadth of the faculty. The department provides strong academic and financial support to our graduate students in the form of multi-year funding commitments

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Princeton University Sociology Ph.D.

Graduate studies in the Department of Sociology focus on guiding students who have excelled as consumers of knowledge through the transition to becoming producers of scholarship. Students are encouraged to initiate independent research projects early on and to work closely with a range of faculty—through coursework, independent study, and informal mentoring—to develop research skills. Undergraduate concentration

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University of California, Berkeley Demography Graduate Program

The Department of Demography offers an interdisciplinary training program leading to the MA and PhD in Demography. Demography is the systematic study of human populations, a topic central to many pressing policy issues such as the economic development of Third World countries; population aging; the environment; health and mortality; family and household change; immigration; and ethnicity. Demography

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University of California, Berkeley Sociology and Demography Ph.D.

The Graduate Group in Sociology and Demography (GGSD) is an interdisciplinary training program in the social sciences designed for students with broad intellectual interests. Drawing on Berkeley’s Department of Sociology and Department of Demography, the group offers students a rigorous and rewarding intellectual experience. The group, founded in 2001, sponsors a single degree program leading

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