University of Colorado at Boulder Graduate Certificate Program in Demography (Ph.D.)


Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Degree Program


The Graduate Certificate Program in Demography offers a Ph.D. curriculum which will require about three years of course work before the initiation of dissertation work. Admission requirements are those prescribed by the Graduate School and by the social science departments that are associated with the interdepartmental program: Geography, Sociology, and Economics.

The Program provides students an early opportunity to carry out research in their fields of interest while still attending classes, to receive compensation, and to work closely with faculty who share their interests. All such students take a common set of three interdisciplinary core courses that focus on demography theory, methods, and problems, and also develop expertise in a specific area of specialization. All degrees are awarded through departments; therefore, graduate students wishing to major in demography must also satisfy the particular degree requirements of a department participating in the interdepartmental program. More information here.