APSA Travel Grant


Monday, April 17, 2017

APSA is providing travel grants to U.S. graduate students, international students studying in the U.S., international scholars, unemployed members, and community college and contingent faculty for attendance at the 2017 APSA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. See eligibility and requirements.

A travel grant can cover the costs of travel to the meeting, such as mileage for attendees who travel by car, or the costs of a plane ticket for attendees who arrive in San Francisco by plane. The grant also covers some costs of recipients during the meeting, such as meals. Prior to submitting your travel grant application,carefully review the travel grant policy. For questions about the travel grant program or the application, please contact travelgrants@apsanet.org.

Decisions on recipients for grant funds will be made by no later than Friday, May 26, 2017.

For more information, please visit the APSA website.