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Recent Graduates

Holly Donahue Singh

Dr. Singh’s research broadly examines how global politics and reproductive technologies intersect with local cultural factors and inequalities to shape fertility experiences. In her ethnographic work on infertility in northern India, she has examined how women from diverse caste, religious, and class backgrounds describe their desire for children. Her work analyzes their attempts to fulfill

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Emily Nicklett

Emily Nicklett joined the UM SSW faculty after completing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Center on Aging and Health at Johns Hopkins University. Her active research agenda concerns social and contextual determinants of health in later life. She specializes in strategies for successful chronic disease management among diverse older populations. Her research has been published

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Colter Mitchell

Dr. Mitchell’s research focuses on the causes and consequences of family formation behavior. He examines how social context such as neighborhood resources and values influence family processes and how those processes interplay with an individual’s genetic and epigenetic makeup to influence behavior, wellbeing, and health. His research also includes the development of new methods for

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Brad Hershbein

Brad Hershbein completed his Ph.D. in economics at the University of Michigan in the summer of 2012. Prior to graduate school, he worked for three years at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston as a research associate. His fields of interest focus on labor economics, economics of the family, and economics of education, and particularly

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Dustin Brown

Dr. Brown’s research broadly examines how socioeconomic status and social relationships influence population health. His recent research has examined educational differences in older adult mortality compression, the combined influence of education and marital status on older adult mortality, the relationship between marital biography and cumulative biological risk, and health differences between individuals in same-sex and

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