Yale University Sociology Ph.D.


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Degree Program


The Yale University Doctoral Program in Sociology prepares students for careers in research and teaching. While the majority of graduates teach in colleges and universities, many hold research appointments in medical and mental health centers, government agencies, consulting firms, or other non-profit or research settings.

The curriculum is intended both to acquaint students with the discipline of sociology and provide training in fields of special interest. Of the twelve required courses, four must be drawn from core courses in sociological theory, statistics, and research methods. Students are given ample opportunity to specialize but the Faculty believes that specialization must be preceded by a thorough grounding in a wide range of classical and contemporary theories and proficiency in social statistics and a variety of research methods. The curriculum permits — and Faculty encourage — study in related disciplines.

For more information, please visit the Yale University Graduate School and Department of Sociology websites.