University of Michigan School of Public Health Master of Public Health and Master of Social Work Degree


Tuesday, December 15, 2015


University of Michigan

Degree Program


The dual degree Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) and Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) program provides students with a skill-based education focused on the many intersections of health and social work. Students in this program have the opportunity to examine health-related issues from the perspectives of social and economic justice and empowerment. This program will help students think through innovative approaches to help reduce and eliminate oppressive health conditions. Students may choose to center their studies on health behavior and health education as it relates to community organization, interpersonal practice, management of human services, or social policy and evaluation. In order to apply to the University of Michigan’s School of Public Heath, please use the SOPHAS application website.

Since the School of Public Health grants graduate degrees, and the Population Studies Center does not, prospective Center trainees must apply to the School of Public Health. In completing the departmental application forms, applicants should indicate in the financial aid section that they are interested in a Population Studies Center Fellowship. They should also write to the Center’s Director of Training (address below) to say that they are applying and wish to be considered for financial aid. More information here.