Friday, December 15, 2017Program
University of ChicagoDegree Program
Ph.D.SSA is one of the top three graduate schools of social work in the world. Its remarkably diverse students arrive with energy, empathy, intelligence, and a keen desire to serve. SSA gives them the firm theoretical foundation, the clinical and policy perspective, and the hands-on experience to make a meaningful impact in the lives of the most vulnerable people in our society. SSA and the University support interdisciplinary research centers that shed light on the complex connections between race, human rights, politics, access to care, with a special emphasis on preventive policies and practices. SSA graduates quickly advance to leadership positions in clinical practice, public and private social welfare agencies, community development organizations, policy research institutes, charitable foundations and academia.
The deadline for the Doctoral program and the combined Ph.D./M.A. program is December 15 (for an admission decision by mid-March).
For more information, please visit the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration website.