Webinar: diversitydatakids.org

Title: Using diversitydatakids.org in the Classroom
Date: May 22, 2017
Time: 1-2PM EDT
Registration: https://goo.gl/ypgdtU

Recording from March 22, 2017 Webinar

PDF of webinar slides.

Information: diversitydatakids.org provides a broad range of child wellbeing measures to inform policy analysis and decision makers. The site provides a wealth of data and visualizations that make it particularly valuable for incorporating data into a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in sociology, social work, policy, and education.

Webinar presenters will lead participants through an overview of the diversitydatakids.org website before demonstrating how instructors can specifically use the site’s rankings, maps, profiles, and Child Opportunity Index scores to teach about Neighborhood Opportunity.